Well one thing I’ll say is that this book inspired strong feelings in me. Unfortunately, not all of them were good ones. Overall I thought the story itself was captivating in that “Can’t look away, even if you want to and darn well know you should” way. It is an intense, dark, twisted and often disturbing tale that seriously pushes boundaries. As for Eleanor and Sully, they are complex characters. I thought Eleanor was spunky and I felt for her and the situation she found herself in. Sully for me was where things got to the breaking point. There are great book boyfriends that simply leave you swooning and the bad boy anti-heroes you love-to-hate and hate-to-love that make your heart beat faster and tempt you to walk on the dark side but Sully is none of these. I can forgive plenty of sins when I read. Do you lie, cheat, steal, bully or stalk? I’m sure if you just open up to me I’ll understand. Murder or kidnapping? I’m sure you had valid reasons and were totally justified in doing so. However, I don’t think you will ever make me feel that human trafficking and sexual slavery is right in any way, shape or form. Sully is in my opinion the worst type of human being and if this author can find a way to redeem him, it will be an epic miracle. Also, just so you know this book ends on a huge cliffhanger. #Audiobook Obsession