I read this book to understand why many Christians are convinced that Trump should be the next “savior” of the nation. The authors write with great literary creativity. Their description of Trump as a man without sin would make any Christian wonder why the paintings of Jesus, walking on the Sea of Galilee, didn’t have Trump right beside him. Honestly, after a few hundred years of political mayhem in Europe, I’m surprised that the authors would attempt to bring politics and religious fervor together in the U.S.
The political split in the US is intensified by the contrast between altra-conservative views, presented in this book and Fox News, compared to mainstream media, which Trump refers to as “Fake News”. Neuborne reminds us, in his book, that there are many similarities between Trump and the early Hitler who referred to mainstream press as the “Lying Press”. What are we to believe when Trump made 20,000 false or misleading claims (Fact-checker), i.e., 15.8 per day? Should we be concerned when many conservatives have chosen to only view Fox News TV?
Much of the support for Trump by the authors arises from his pro-life stance. With Trump’s record on fighting COVID, how can he be considered a pro-life president?