I recently came to the conclusion that I should read the 1 and 2 star reviews first. Those reviews tell the truth most of the time.

This is a awfully written book.

First, there was no real mystery.it was an open and shut case for the most part. However, the story had to fill up 460 pages – otherwise it wouldn’t have been a full book, I guess.

When your protagonists are just as unlikeable as your antagonist— it’s pretty bad. The author, Bosworth Jr., tries desperately hard to paint the entire Van Iseghem family as absolute perfection. A family so worthy that nothing bad should ever happen to them. It was eye roll-inducing to the point of being laughable.

There was no grand , last minute twist at the end. It was all right there from the beginning. The Van Iseghem family was equally vindictive as the guilty party – except they waded through the legal system.

Not to besmirch the narrator, Kevin Pierce, but his voice simply did not fit this story. His reading is almost too soothing. Plus, it didn’t help that he made little attempt to change his voice between male/female players.

Pass this book by, not worth the time.