I had lost hope that we would get another book in this series, finding this felt like a Winterfest miracle from Hogbus himself. Loved the story and thing everyone who is a fan will enjoy this chapter in the epic rise of Dark Lord Edward Wright.

Only reason for 4 instead of 5 was that it felt like the Cephar’s Bane storyline was artificially sidelined this book. In the last you kind of had a buildup that all was coming to a head but in this one the only thing Ed had to focus on was getting home and defeating the Empire in Staravos. Because of this the stakes felt smaller and less urgent in comparison to the last book.

As for the performance they went all out with sound effects and soundtracks. I am not a big fan of this kind of enhanced audiobook since I find most of this distracting and lesser to the image I am forming in my head with a good narrator, however for what it was this was high quality and added to the emotion in the storyline.