In response to other reviews there is no actual sex scenes, however there is some cursing.

Minor spoilers,

I don’t have an issue with others sexual orientation. What I have an issue with is it being forced onto us. What the US population is around 4-5% gay and/or lesbian. So please explain to me if that makes up only a fraction of the population why was their no normal relationships in this book? There is a gay man livng in the MC’s head. The only healthy relationship is lesbian. The only time the MC had sex was cuckold with both in that relationship being bi. If the book was well written I could handle all that, but sadly it was not.

My main issue is the MC, all he does is whine. Every other chapter I miss my father, I miss my best friends, I hope everyone is good…… It gets old quickly. Not to mention the description about the book does not really match up to the actual story. I was looking for another space genre series but looks like I will keep looking. I won’t be getting the next book in this series.