I never give up on a series over petty things. Normally I hang in there until I get it – or I’m so invested time-wise it doesn’t make sense to quit. So,I finally made it through the Books 1-4 set. It took about four times longer than normal due to my having to go back and replay chapters. The first book revealed just enough potential for an engaging story that I hung in there. But after this it devolved into a campy mess. There were episodic moments that were funny or interested me, but overall I couldn’t get a picture in my head of the scenes, vehicles, and characters. I always felt like I was missing something that would make me care more. I also wish the author would have gone ahead and used the actual curse word instead of “frag”. I hate the real word, but the made up word was overused to a degree it became a distraction. It was actually annoying. I’m certain I’m not alone in this criticism. I wish I had liked this more. I wanted to!
Review from Hell’s Rejects, Books 1-4 →