I am not one to write reviews. That said it should say something that I am taking the time to write this.

Simply put the book is great, why you ask? Because the whole concept is unique enough to make a good hook and the execution is done well enough to keep you entertained. The mix of character development, cliches, and sarcasm make for a story that has to make you smile and at times burst out laughing.

Now with the descriptive part out of the way, it is time for the funny bit (hopefully without spoilers). The Shadow Master is truly a powerful being if he can peer across dimensions and address not only you the reader but the narrator as well, which it seems he can.

So to you Shadow Master i say this. “Your book does deserve the full 4.5 – 5 stars”

For those of you who still are reading this, do read this and the first book. It will be well worth your time and money.