I’ve enjoyed the whole series, but I will say it was in this book where I felt more engaged than I have since book one. That doesn’t mean I didn’t like the prior books – I loved them! But there were times within the descriptions of items collected, or how a battle was playing out, I found myself slipping into a bit of passive listening. But that didn’t really happen here. I can’t tell you what the difference was, but for the first time, I started aching to go back and re-listen to the whole series again, and never wanted it to be over. The narration and production are amazing – as it has been since the first, it’s got some neat effects that stop far short of being cheesy and are used just enough to keep things interesting and put a clear division of what’s going on and where a conversation is taking place. Every time Donut is shouting, I can SEE the words typed in all caps in a chat. I’m ready to ride this series to the very end!