Hey look, the 50 hours of Black Ocean for one credit was great. You had a nice Firefly vibe going on, you had laughs, some drama, but not too much because you KNEW it would work out OK. This is not that, but still follows. Weird, I know. Just a bit more …meat.
NARRATION excellent. Who is this Naramore guy? Men are men, women are women, different men are different men, aliens are… wtf, this guy is perfect narration. Enough said about him. He could be a real dirtbag in real life, but here, he’s EXCELLENT. As well as the other books. His wife/husband would probably agree, though I have no idea regarding that.
This book borrows from a variety of ScyFi/Fantasy and that’s not a problem. The story is, and it’s still fun and funny at points, kinda serious in its view of…life. Some very deep thoughts of the nature of humanity and it’s arc in time. That’s a spoiler, sorta. In the series prior, it’s all fun and games. In this, it’s still fun and games..but not as ..gamey? Fun? No, it’s still fun. But makes you think.
I like the philosophy. This is a serious (though still fun and games) take on …life/stuff/afterlife/Ihavenoidea…. get it, you won’t regret it. Huh. That rhymed!