On par with Infinite and Alter, NPC takes a deep dive into the purpose of existence/reality.

First, let’s get to the big question: Should you buy this book?
– Do you enjoy or have you enjoyed any book narrated by R.C. Bray? If so, the answer is “Yes.”
– Did you like Infinite and/or Alter? If so, the answer is “Yes.”
– Did you like The Matrix? If so, the answer is “Yes.”

You’ll enjoy this one. The only negative is Jeffrey Kafer as a narrator. He’s subpar. And when it switches from Bray to Kafer, it becomes even more apparent that Kafer is out of his league—like LeBron-vs.-your-local-high-school-varsity-baller bad.

I thought the premise of NPC was interesting: Are we really alive or just Non-Player Characters (NPCs) going through a preset path through life? Robinson does a masterful job of taking this idea and weaving an engaging story that makes you question the nature of reality. Think Netflix’s The OA mixed with The Matrix.

Definitely worth a credit.