while I was enamoured by the first book in the series, I feel like the second one didn’t live up to the standard set forth…
the emotional scenes were rush through, the pace too high to take them in and appreciate them…
this might have been to reflect the pace Mia has to function at, but it detracts from the story and makes it feel like the Author just needs to dump as much information as possible before the third book where everything will pay off…
the classic second book in a trilogy syndrome unfortunately…
I personally will take a break before reading the third one…
the story still has me wanting to know the end, but not as urgently as at the end of the first book.

on the Audio side there isn’t much to say I didn’t say in my review of the first book .
Annie rocks as the lead in this series and Jeff’s backing makes her shine all the brighter…
SBT really is setting new standards for Audiobooks in general