It’s review time ?

Narrator score? ; kirt was amazing as always I loved his performance. the gruff voice he gave the MC was so hot ?

Level of steam?: It was hot. it began with a very steamy scene, and then became a slow burn that I loved.

Level of anxiety and sadness0??: I don’t know if I want to call this book a sad book. the situation is complicated for sure. but I don’t think we have a lot of sadness in the story. more like a lot of mature outlook that I loved.

The book itself?: It’s the last book I listened to in the series meanwhile I know I need to get to the whole series eventually. but because it’s a stand alone series I allow myself to prolong the journey with this narrator and this author as well.
the story is very intense and beautiful and still very simple. it could be very dramatic it had all the reasons to , but it wasn’t and I loved it so just because of it. it was so mature and lovely.