I love apocalyptic books, but keep it fiction, writers. Create new people in current times. I like some of the facts laid out and the actual storyline. This story had so much potential and does absolutely have some honest reactionary moments. My problem is, this author has obvious political leanings (and wrongly assumed who would win the 2016 election). As a Centrist/Independent in a politically polarizing world, listening to continual bashing of particular parties and people is not really how I want to spend my free time. There’s enough of that crap on the news and social media. Make this true fiction without stereotypically disparaging entire groups of people, e. g. include decent people from all sides/races/religions/professions — as would be more reflective of our actual country — and I’m on board. Point out faults and positives of one side, and then faults and positive of the other sides, and I’m on board. That’s real life.

I wish I could return the rest of the series, but I must have gotten it for a 2 for 1 or at a reduced price. I’m a few chapters into the next book, but I’m not sure I’m going to continue because the political preaching gets worse. Lord help me, but I’ve purchased Yellowstone, too, and The New Madrid Fault (since I live close by). Is it too much to hope that it will not be more of the same?