I received a free copy of this audiobook from the author / narrator / publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.

The main character Chase Baker appears to be heavily influenced by Robert Langdon. So much so that in a blind test (whatever the audiobook equivalent would be), the story would sound like the draft version of the next adventure of Robert Langdon. Draft version, because the book lacks the polish that Dan Brown’s books typically have. In order to make the story more interesting, the author pushed it more towards absurd and "that’s impossible" territory. As a result, the book kinda delves into contemporary fantasy genre. And then it follows a set formula throughout the book. You know what’s going to happen in next chapter before it even starts.

And then there are cheesy attempts at drawing in audience with phrases like "sexy Vatican archivist" etc. Why does the archivist have to be sexy. Or more specifically, why does it need to be highlighted? Oh right, to bring in audience. tch tch.