I liked this series a lot earlier on, but increasingly books seem to be loaded with repetitive self talk that is repeated & repeated & repeated & repeated. It’s annoying.

Maybe if I get alzheimers I’d appreciate being constantly retold a character’s same inner dialogue ad nauseam, but it gets old really fast.

I don’t like being told the same thoughts (usually self doubts) over & over & over & over. It gets annoying.

Maybe if my memory worsens, I’ll be happy to be reminded that so & so feels this way then that way then this aay then that way then this way then that way, but right now it just feels like a way to pad a book to make it longer.

Maybe if I become more forgetful, I’ll appreciate the ad nauseam repetition of I’m afraid I can’t do this. It’s impossible to do this. I ‘m so worried I can’t do this, I am really afraid I can’t do this. I don’t think I can do this.

How could I possibly do this? It’s not possible to do this. No way I can do this, I’ve got too much to lose, I can’t do this. It would be reckless to do this. No one would do this, it’d be crazy to do this.

Now that I’ve convinced you I’ve convinced myself I can’t do this, I’ll do it. so what if it’s reckless to do this, or I’m afraid to do this? I’ve got too much to lose so I’ve got to do this. Even though I am afraid, I will do this. Yes, Ive finally decided this is what I shall do. “OK, listen up everyone, this is what I’m gonna do.”

And Every time you’re subjected to listening to so and so’s inner dialogue, it’s the same thing, over & over & over, & by now, you’ve guessed it, right?, over & over & over!

Most of the book is every so and so’s inner dialogue. The majority of the book is the character’s thoughts, their self talk, their conversatons in their own heads, saying, wait for it……. the same thing over & over & over!

Get the picture? Do you see what I mean? Really, Do you get me? Do you understand how I feel about this? Can you guess what I ‘m feeling? Can you possibly really, truly know what I feel deep down in my bones regarding this? Do you have any idea? Even just a little clue?

Maybe you can’t tell what I’m feeling. Maybe I haven’t been clear. Maybe I haven’t made my point obvious enough? Maybe I should have told you more often how I feel about this?

I think I should have told you more often how I feel about this. Yes, I didn’t tell you enough times. Id better tell you again. That’s what I am going to do. I am going to tell you again!

OH, PLEASE! PLEASE NOT AGAIN! That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it? That is if you didn’t get so frustrated you stopped reading a LONG, LONG time ago.

Well, if by now, you aren’t, get the book and you will. Or not, and save yourself listening to a lot of repetitive filler that seems to be meant to take a few chapters, expand well beyond reasonable expectations and call it a “book.”

It’s so frustrating, because I really did like the series in the beginning, but after several books the self dialogue seems to have become longer, repetitive & something, trust me, I already know and didn’t feel the need to hear again.

It’s made the characters flat and predictable. Like they don’t even know themselves.

Maybe if the next book is 1.99 and I’m really super bored, I might see if there’s any chance the next book has changed. But that’s just because I must be crazy. You know, hitting your head on a brick wall (gues what!), over & over & over but expecting different results, is the definition of insanity.

You might want to learn from my mistakes and stay sane. By now, you pretty much know what is going to happen next.