Like the author, I enjoy true crime novels for the clues and mystery as I try to figure out what happened. In life, in general, it may be quite helpful, but neither of us are professional law enforcement. I wasn’t sure that the man accused was the actual killer until he confessed several times to his wife. Why would a man do that unless he needed to tell the truth to someone? I guess time will tell the outcome.

A little vanity in the author, which is evident in other true crime detectives as well, and the jumping from one scenario to another was confusing to a certain extent, and the in-depth discussion of his dreams about the murder: seriously? I got the impression that he thinks he’s quite special.

I enjoyed the book but felt I learned very little about the case. The police don’t share clues for a reason; we all like to speculate, but it’s just spitting in the wind most of the time.

I appreciate his devotion though, I have to say that.