I love this series. For a litrpg series, it has a lot of great elements other books don’t have. It has great character development. I appreciate how the author is slowly unraveling the main characters in an effort to show how monster and legends are not too different from one another. I also like the magic system ( a combination of cultivation and leveling.) In addition, I like the side stories and side characters. I think the author does a great job adding interest to the world and making us care about it through these other characters.

So, where does the book go wrong? It is the description of the profile of each character. I like the description of the profiles a few significant times in the book, but this author does it often, very often. The magic profiles can take almost five minutes of listening. For example the wandering Drake, I got that he is very powerful, do I need to hear his profile every time he enters the book? No, I don’t. If in the next book the author can reduce the number of profile reviews, the book will be a much better listen.