everything feels too forced. The puns are drawn out and he constantly laughs at his own poor jokes Dakota K. is much better at writing jokes revolving around puns. if you want an author that does that go read some of his books. The maid/ butler feels very forced and a way to get votes or pander to LBGTQ culture. there are a lot of unnecessary sound effects throughout the book, making it difficult or annoying to listen to, such as an echo effect is constantly used. you will constantly hear the term daddy or bone daddy multiple times every chapter.
constantly uses the word limpet. when describing the companion he picks up in the first village. I mean all the time every chapter.
I read the book until the end but felt like nothing really happened and where it left off. feels more like where the middle of the book should be. kind of feels like the author is just churning out material for profit rather than writing something that they are passionate about.