I will admit I’ve been a little bit off on this one, I normally take notes and things but this time I was too deep into the story for most of it, and too distracted the rest of the time. You could say that this is a good thing, the book is after all interesting enough to distract me from everything, including school and trying to explore itself.

Whatever you think I was really happy with this book. Continuing from the last one, this book too balances between world building in preparation for Completionist Chronicles and the character development of these characters from AA and DD. This progression is bountiful and it really helps to set up why the world of CC is the way it is.

I’m always fascinated when I read these books, especially when it comes to the books of long running franchises like this one. I know some people might argue against the word, but the Divine Dungeon Universe is a franchise, as is Veridian Gate Online. These series and their universes are coming to be the kind of scope you only get in those big projects, like Marvel or DC.

Honestly the only universe that I’ve seen with the kind of scope these books have that isn’t a part of a massive franchise is the Fallout Equestria universe. At some point I intend to explain to you all more about that universe because it does exist within Gamelit, but those fan-fiction stories are the only thing I’ve seen able to match the universality of these books, which I think is a compliment on the DDU and VGO worlds.

I can’t say too much of this book except that it’s more of the same, and shows off a bunch of stuff from all across the universe. This book just keeps going, and I expect the next two to as well, getting closer and closer to that CC point. Of course, there is the possibility it will overlap with CC before the end, so I guess I’ll just have to see soon.