Titan is an engaging story with well developed characters that can lead the listener into emotional states, coupled with an outstanding actor who is deft enough to produce the personalities of the characters as if he had painstakingly studied them in real life!

Disclaimer, I am a huge Rex Nihilo fan so I might be slightly biased to Kroese’s work, but this novel is by no means a satire. So this review is completely based on the political thriller aspect.

I found to my surprise that Kroese’s opinions on the political environment mirror my own, Not that Kroese is, but I was previously a staunch republican, and now I find myself somewhere in the middle (too far left gets loony, too far right gets nuts). So In the political thriller part of the book I was like “yeah I could see that”. Also it seems that maybe we share a similar library (Strange Angel).

By and large a great story that makes one want to get back to the book and see what is happening, somewhat reminiscent of “Nobody’s Fool”. But unfortunately Titan has quite a few exhaustive info dumps, and I have to admit, I grew a bit weary with those.

On to the voice actor, WOW and HOLY COW HE IS GOOD!!!! In my opinion his inflection is strikingly similar to Ray Porter, but the character study is decidedly better than anything I have heard from Ray Porter. Jonathon’s work is so sublime and enhancing to the story without ever being over bearing, that you just don’t think about his performance, It is a seamless marriage of story and acting that when pondered upon, can only be described as magical.