Ugh, the story ended as soon as things got exciting! Well, cliffhanger aside, I did not expect the follow-up to the first book to venture forth to Arizona of all places. Things start to shake up with the introduction of Ramses. There’s a lot of things that the adults in Maywood Heights are keeping quiet about. We get a few chapters from Royal’s point of view. I’m curious more than ever about his life before December. I’m pretty sure his father has been calling the shots, and I kinda feel bad for him. Kinda. The way he treated Em when she needed him the most was utter crap. Some of the scenes made me shed a few tears. For some reason, the narrator’s voice for December was irritating to listen to this time around. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting the third and final books to be released on Audible this year! #AudiobookObsessionReviewer ?#PinkFlamingoProductions #TheFlock-VIPReviewer?