At the end of the excellent novel, Heir to the North, Cassia made the tough call and destroyed the wardings that held an ancient evil in stasis. Now it is awake, and it is her job to raise an army to stop it. The funny thing is, she is the story teller that she always wanted to be; only she is now making the stories real. She does retain the mind of a story teller, and begins to see how old tales hide real truths. She is also so much more able now to discern the truth about those around her. Her eyes are now keen and alert, and she sees the true personalities of everyone around her.

One nice thing is that Cassia continues to grow as an individual and a character. She is stronger than she was in the first book, and it shows in how she behaves and acts around her companions. Her ability to rely solely on her instinct show how much she has grown, because she may seem like she is making stuff up on the fly, but the truth is she is following her gut, and it works for her. The ending of the book does wrap up everything, this is a duology so while you are glad to get the completed story you do regret this is the end for Cassia and her crew.

I enjoyed the cover, the art is done well, and it portrays Cassia and the prince getting ready to rumble.

The narration is deftly handled by Diana Croft, who manages to play Cassia to a tee. She also, does a great job with all the other characters. She carries the story along at a great pace, and infuses it with a lot of emotion.

I certainly would suggest that you pick up the series and enjoy the story teller’s daughter as she writes her own tale. Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and honestly, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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