_The Search for Spurt_ by Barry J. Hutchinson receives a reluctant four stars from me.

I continue this series as I started with the audio version. This one is read by Phil Thron. His performance remains steadfast and excellent.

So often in a series, there’s a weak book. I hope this is the weak one. Why the negativity? I felt there was a plot that resembled a revolving door. Toss him into the pit–let’s see that pit–toss them into the pit. I could have used less of that.

So then why a four stars reluctantly or otherwise? I felt that there was some progression I noted Toby M. character / vision. I feel that also Cal made some progress as well. Cal’s progress is odd. Cal is such a dork and he reacts in a dork way to things that this is not going to change ever. It’s who he is at his core. However, there was a moment when he dropped this and seem rather mature. He stepped outside of himself in order to go find Splurt. So up to that point–I was not feeling so great about the novel, and thinking three stars, but that part of the novel, I rather enjoyed (could have used it going in depth here more but this is a comedy primarily. So, ok.

Recommended: yes, If you enjoy space opera this one is fine. It picks up where the last book ended, and I feel things are resolved nicely.