Having read and loved how filthy and raunchy Heart’s other books have been, I knew I had to try this bad boy out being on audio! As mentioned before with the filthiness and raunch level, loved it all and then some! Definitely was utterly sexy, hot, and brutal at times! Especially loved how August, Ryker, and Steve would bully and manhandle Dylan! Even with all that being wonderful, the issues I did have with the story were:

1. Dylan’s friend Annie was the typical nosy, annoying type that was grating.

2. Way, and I mean way too much {swallowing, squealing, licking and biting lips}.

3. Dylan was a hot mess & with unbelievable parts

4. Epilogue was okay but rushed.

Aside from those factors that brought this down for me, I will assuredly give Mr. Dicosimo and Mr. Brown several rounds of applause for how amazing they performed this story! Loved how deep, gruff, and obviously sexy their voices were! Overall, if the issues I stated are not a problem for you, and the kinks/dynamic is up your alley, I would highly recommend giving this a listen! A lengthy audiobook that would be great to play while going about your day!