the story starts slowly, as character development takes up a large portion of the early chapters. there’s terrorist plot action early on which leaves the listener wondering where the plot is going and what the connections are to the overall theme. Still, the action is interspersed at good points, which helps keep the overall story interesting. when things go really bad in the story, things get really good for the listener. a good dose of realism with respect to what can, or may, actually occur in such scenarios. could have used a little more military, or nuclear Academics discussion/description to improve the techno-geek side of me. regardless, the details and descriptive terms are accurate and portray the real potential of events and reactions that may occur should such a situation develop. if there is anything to take away from listening to this, it’s that Nuclear Counterproliferation efforts are critical to preventing madmen from having any kind of nuclear production or weapons capabilities – and Nuclear war will likely end modern civilization as we know it. One last thought: Kevin Pierce is among the few Narrators who can successfully pull off this type of story. His narration, pronunciation, tone inflection, and voice is easy and comfortable to listen to. He definitely adds to the overall high marks for this series.