The author should’ve done at least a tiny bit of research before writing this book, first off, adding 2-stroke mixed fuel to an engine wouldn’t do very much harm, especially if it’s diluted with a lot fuel that’s already in the truck, and even if it was bad gas, it would take a little bit to get to the engine. It could never immediately cause problems the second you turn the key. Details like this run rampant through this book, where the author is creating scenarios that are simply wrong. Don’t even get me started about the gun fights, there’s one scene where a character is attacked, and the story went something along the lines of I took aim, slowed my breathing, took a deep breath, and fired off my shot before he could get off a second shot. This would never happen, the character somehow took his time, but also was so fast the other guy didn’t have a chance to shoot again? After this, the guy starts going on his way again, while bleeding from a rifle shot to the thigh, without even attempting a tourniquet, which would cause him to quickly bleed out and die from.
I really wanted to like this book, I really did, but the author is trying to portray it as very realistic, yet messes up the most basic of details. Like my title says, if you don’t know anything about fights or the basics of how vehicles work, you might like it, but if you know even a tiny bit about anything, you’ll be disappointed.