Title: The Time Traveler’s Awakening

Author: Anna Applegate

Format: Audio

Narrators: Sarah Puckett, Aaron Shedlock

Genre: Time travel, paranormal, suspense, action

Standalone: Yes, but sets up the upcoming series

Part of a Series the prequel to the Magic Bound Saga

POV: Jacqueline, Finn, Ember, Rane

Steam Level: none really, just maybe hints of the chemistry to come


Action-packed from the start, The Time Traveler’s Awakening sets the stage for the Magic Bound Saga. Although technically a standalone, The Time Traveler’s Awakening sets the stage for future books that I cannot wait to dive into. I’m a little picky with time travel books but this one was a lot of fun. I liked the humor, especially Ember’s reaction to her mom’s reveal of being able to time travel.

I received this audiobook for free from Pink Flamingo Productions and Audiobook Obsession. This is my honest and voluntary review.