5 stars

I don’t care. This was too much fun for it not to be 5 stars for me. This was a fun and unique reading experience. I loved this universe that Louisa Masters created. It’s different from the Hell mythology we all know so well. Here, we have the Lucifer, who is a leader selected by magic, demons, succubi, incubi, and hellhounds who are essentially shifters that are excitable puppies and only named hellhounds as a millenia old joke. This story has plenty of humor (I was cackling when Sam unknowingly consumed shifter brew), and the plot is full of intrigue. The emotions hit hard at the end, and I love this little found family we have going on here. It really gives The Office vibes, except paranormal. Sam is a great character, so it was great to have the story told through his POV. Him and Gideon are hilarious together and the banter was so enjoyable. All in all, this was great and I definitely recommend it.