I really like this one! A tough listen in parts only because I can relate to Zeke so well. Ok, and to Sam, too, I guess. I like the constant humanity that Robinson allows for in his books. Doing it from the first person perspective allows for a more true voice to come out. We always wonder what people are really thinking, and this 1st person narration adds a lot of self-reflective meat to chew on. A few times in the book I was getting mad because I’m a follower of Jesus and it was poking the crap out of me. Making me consider again what I believe. Asking again, the hard questions about reality. I almost gave up and said “I can’t be listening to this stuff.” Glad I didn’t. And I loved the Audible Author’s note at the end. Very refreshing. I think Sam is my younger self and Zeke is my older self. Who are you in this story? Read it and find out.