A stimulating supernatural relationship, Blood Laws turned out to be the book I’ve always wanted, but never knew I needed.
Do you want to read about mystery? Check. Romance? Check. Supernatural beings and the subplots within otherworldly races? Check and Check. Blood Laws was obviously all about the steamy relationship building between Astasiya and Isaac, but that wasn’t ALL it was about, which pleased me greatly. This take had me on my feet the whole time, cogs turning in my mind, trying to figure out the age old “whodunnit” and other questions that pop up throughout the story. I was drawn in from chapter one, and my attention was thoroughly retained throughout the rest of the way. So much, that I’m itching to start the sequels! Definitely a book that leaves you wanting more in the best way possible.
The performances provided by Puckett and Fromkin were absolutely amazing. It was a nice change of pace to switch between Astasiya’s and Isaac’s views every other chapter or so. I really enjoyed listening to Fromkin’s accents in his performance. Puckett’s accents weren’t as polished as her colleague, but she brought her own charm to the deeper toned characters that I respect and admire. Also can I just say how amusing it is to hear Fromkin voice Lizzy? it’s so — bubbly.
How the story was capable of doing as the title describes, well. The more intimate scenes are written just as such. VERY intimate. Enjoyable. Enough to make someone want to enjoy that very same intimacy with their own partner. Even if it’s something as simple as kissing! I never knew there were so many words to describe the action. Truly a feat only possible by the most passionate of authors!
Thank you for this lovely read.