I get that this is just a fluffy type of romance story where nobody is too interested in a well developed story line, but it was so ridiculously abrupt in parts that it felt jarring.

The way Jenny agrees to marry Orion is just weird- she lands in completely new world (blind acceptance), is told she will be mum to two children (blind acceptance) and then is told by a man she has met for approximately 10 minutes that she has to say yes when he asked her a question (blind acceptance).

Not only does he kiss her before he really talks to her, he then marries her a few minutes later, supposedly to save the kid, but there is complete acceptance from both that as strangers, she will of course have sex with him, not sure why there wasn’t some sort of dialogue around understanding that this was rushed/forced onto her, maybe even some mention that this could be a marriage in name only or even that in return for helping them they would help her return to her own world (even just so she could decide to stay), the whole thing just felt rushed and underdeveloped.