Trinity Dunn’s writing is elegant yet simple, she is a master at weaving scenes that pulls at your emotions. The characters rather hated or loved are well mastered.

The first half of the book primarily focuses on Chris and Maria and their history, with a few chapters to Jack and Bud, and another couple chapters devoted to the island group.

My love in this book and series is the Characters, I can’t get enough of Chris Alaina, Jack, Jimmy, Lilly, Bud, and Anna and I feel drawn to what happens next.

The thing I hated most was I felt like the excitement and buildup are setup to point me in one direction and within a few minutes something drastically changes the outcome and hits you unprepared leaving me disappointed.

**Possible Spoiler, nothing major**

I thoroughly enjoyed the addition of Chris, seeing everything from Chris’s perspective felt good and really adding to the series. The addition of Maria was awful, her constant tirades, blatant manipulation of Chris, Alaina, and everyone else, listening to her lie, criticize, and her angry fits made her completely unredeemable.

The addition of time travel really added to the overall story as they struggle to try and find a way home.

I think Chris’s character really began to shine in this book with how much commitment, dedication, and unconditional and true love he has for Alaina. With Jack I felt he came off as a combination of one moment kind and loving but the next moment egotistical, possessive, manipulative and selfishly demanding what he regardless of the others emotions.

I felt their was major disconnect between the expectation and how quickly Alaina’s choice was made and how the decision was determined. I felt that in many ways her decision was forced upon her by the actions and desires of others.