This series is a real gem for thrill seekers and for those that are interested in Post Apocalyptic Scenarios. It’s gives a glimpse into that future world and one scenario of what could possibly happen in the near future. Americans have become too soft living in luxury compared to most nations, and they’re dependent on the Government and it’s leaders for literally everything. When the Grid finally fails and those leaders are no longer there, there’s no longer any semblance of law and order, all the things people rely on the Government for disappears. For the majority the question becomes, “How can we feed and defend ourselves”?
Nobody in our society realizes to what extent they’re willing to lower their morals until they’re simply faced with no other choice. Some individuals, as well as entire groups are already evil to start with while others will allow the hunger they and their families feel to push them to the very limits of morality, and a bit further. Still others will allow savage circumstances to turn them into ruthless killers, not taking a second thought about taking someone’s life.
Those that have foreseen this possibility and have prepared for a “Whatever Happens” Scenario, now have to band together with other like minded people in order to cut themselves off from others that are outside their group. They must endeavor to survive in this New World while trying to protect themselves and hanging on to what morals they still possess. Unfortunately that’s easier said than done.
The Writing is excellent, the Story is also excellent and the Narration is superb.
While a near future Post Apocalyptic America may not be everybody’s bag, this series certainly fills that need for those who enjoy this genre.