The narrator is amazing and one of my favorites I’ve listened to – before this book was released on audible, I read it in Kindle form after listening to the others because I loved the characters and growth. Maybe it’s because I’m a fast reader, but on paper and without the narrators inflections, I wasn’t able to feel the same amount of character growth and relationship development that made me feel as if it were organic. Listening to it set a pace and tone that facilitated that growth and stopped the keening voice of “wtf is everyone doing being all shipper on deck it’s been five minutes.”

I’m still going to read book 5 first if the audio is delayed, as I would murder the world for more Rory and Daniel and it is the only thing I’m still looking forward to in 2020.

This review isn’t to slam on the authors voice or talent. SJ Himes broke away from describing the same things in every chapter (did you all know Simeon tastes of mint and chocolate? or Angel is attached to the primordial death magic that animates the sentient undead?) so, bonus.

The juxtaposition between Simeon and Angels fast-and-hot start and kinks after two years of UST against the sweet, supportive infatuation turned gentle and passionate romance of Isaac and Constans is VERY well written. I was constantly impressed with the vastly different POV voices between Isaac and Angel, how their various strengths and weaknesses were highlighted, and the effect it has on those around them. Isaac’s recovery from addiction and PTSD is amazingly touched on.

At first read, Isaacs dramatic shift from surly kid to fawning, sweet, concerned for others kid was… disliked on my end. Again, it may have been the narrator and/or my lack of appreciation for the running statement that who Isaac was before was addiction and guilt, and that he is trying to find who he is without those cornerstones. As someone who went undiagnosed for over twenty years for various chemical imbalances, I should have known to look at it that way, so that is on me.

Other reviews are right: the supportive Constants is awesome. Bring able to see how he treats those in his care helped a LOT in understanding why he’d find contentment with Isaac – mild spoiler alert, but Batiste thrives on caring for others and finds joy in bringing it to those he loves.

I’ve got to say it, though – I NEED my headcanon that once a mate bond starts to establish, all the feelings develop quickly in a sort of vampire defense to help secure it. The relatively quick fall into love makes me wrinkle my nose otherwise (as well written and organic as it may be), so I comfort that nose with that headcanon. I hope SJ doesn’t read this, get mad, and be like “No, you wrong”, though she doesn’t seem the type. the headcanon isn’t meant as criticism.

OH. major awesome high fives for the inclusion of more POC, non-binary, and varied love matches with a highlight on those not of cis white people. I didn’t find the other books LACKING, mind, but they were more prominent here.

Did I mention I love Rory? Because I do. I love Rory.