One day, I’ll pick up a story where the protagonist’s family is slaughtered in the beginning that doesn’t have awkward romance forced on it (infinitely more awkward given his wife-to-be was slaughtered right in front of him on his wedding day… and by the end of the book, that was like 2 months ago…)

Speaking of. From now on, any story that uses the ridiculous trope of ‘women are so CONFUSING,’ while simultaneously writing said women as obvious and transparent as possible will just get returned. I assume the author is on the receiving end of angry women all the time – he probably deserves it.

Grak ultimately ruined this story for me. It was never going to be great, but having a desperately lovesick damsel overtly and uncomfortably crushing (and acting like a jealous wife) just made me hate her, and everyone around her for going along with it.

This story had a cool start, but horribly written characters and the worst of cringe tropes made me despise it, despite the great narration.