I read this ebook back in November when it was released and loved it. This is my review of the story from November as I wouldn’t change a thing. My review of the vocal performance is added at the end.

So…full disclosure: I’m a HUGE fan of Ms. Walker’s and am a bit gushy at times. While this book was very different from what she normally writes, I’d say it’s one of my favorites. The only thing that came to my mind when I read ‘The End’ (after sitting quietly for a few minutes) was ‘oh my God, oh my God Nic, what have you done to me?’ This book is heavy, at times hard to read, sweet, sometimes funny and honestly everything I love in a story. I felt EVERYTHING the characters felt right along with them.

I am a SUCKER for flawed (‘broken’) characters that have been shattered by their circumstances or the people in their life. I love the healing and redemption and watching that character FINALLY get what is deserved. And…just…Clinton. He ripped me to shreds. He has been knocked down – hard; kicked while he was down; crucified solely because of his lineage; and in case that wasn’t enough, spit on by life.

Normally, the ‘broken’ (I don’t like that term but can’t think of anything else to write) character is my favorite. And I loved Clinton but OH.MY.GOD. Noah. He is everything we all wish we could be. He is going to make a difference in the world; make it a better place to live. And he is absolutely perfect for Clinton and everything Clinton needs. I love them together. Their chemistry – both emotional and sexual – is palpable.

The supporting cast is great. Pops and Mr. Barese are amazing. I loved Gallen…and Terrell. Even the class instructor was pretty awesome for the 5 seconds we see him.

One of my favorite things about Ms. Walker’s writing is that at 90% of her books I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I know it’s coming but I usually can’t predict what’s going to happen. She doesn’t follow the ‘formula’ that so many other authors follow. It’s at 94% when it finally drops in this book. But everything that followed was GOLD and PERFECTION.

I didn’t think this book could get any better but Joel Leslie proved me wrong. Again. Listening to his performance of this story just makes it so much better. This was such an emotional read for me and his performance amplified those feelings, so much so that I’m not sure when I’ll be able to start another book. His performance is, as always, perfect.