“Appropriation” is a military term. Armies for milenia have “taken what they needed” to further their military campaigns. It’s a self righteous ideology that is used to justify all manner of depravity.

This in no way translates well to civilian life. One civilian “appropriating” goods and items to supply their perceived “need” is merely theft by any definition.

The first book in this series on the “very first day” of the shtf event, a single mother noticed the power outage, the cell phones not functioning and used her insight to pull her two tweens/teens out of school to make a trip to the family hunting cabin. Still being the same day as the event, she thought it prudent to rob her neighbors for supplies….. on the very first day, before even leaving their driveway. To me, this is psychotic. Thinking “your need” supercedes the need of others…. at gun point. Then vilifying the neighbor for brandishing a handgun in an attempt to protect himself and his family.

This way of thinking is prevalent throughout. It makes the book leave a mote in your psyche. All other parts of the story however leave you at near rapt attention. It’s like a mild yet twisted addiction.