This book has a huge problem repetitive phrasing and it nonsensical fluff filler the author write in several times that the main character doesn’t care about the leaderboard in the competition yet reads off the 10 sometimes 15 names every other chapter its just a gross example making the word count higher and making the book longer not only do they have this aggravating fluff but then they want to read off the character sheet only a 100 times throughout the book with extremely limited changes it’s like the author wrote In that the MC has OCD to the extreme case in point when the MC is in the demon Realm the MC States that is phone doesn’t work so he can’t see his exact numbers but instead of leaving it there the author yet again list out the SATs. These stats mean absolutely nothing and do absolutely nothing for this book except filler and fluff put plainly put their annoying and takes heavily away from the story. The sad fact is this book could be good but it is absolutely bogged down by distractions and fluff.

I will say this the narrator did the best with what he could I thought they did an absolutely fantastic job it’s unfortunate that the book was as bad as it was.