This is my first Audible review, even though I have been a subscriber for about 7 years. I was moved to write this review because I enjoyed it immensely–to my surprise! I have never hear of LitRPG as a genre before, and I have been reading sci-fi and fantasy all of my life. I was somewhat skeptical, but intrigued when I selected Life Reset. I discovered quickly that, yes, there is a lot of recitation of game statistics in the book, but this did not turn me off as much as I assumed it would–perhaps because I enjoy my PS4 and my action-adventure, role-playing, and first-person shooter games. Despite of this content, the story is much more organic, and we get to experience both the protagonist’s real-life dilemma’s and his in-game stressors. I enjoyed the complexity of both of these layers of the narrative. I also have to say that the narrator really brought the story to life with great vocal acting and emotional range, but also with a consistent thread of tension in his voice that made it easier for me to focus. I tend to listen to audiobooks during the morning and evening bus commutes, which can be hectic and distracting. I use audiobooks to help tune out the chaos, but this is often difficult to accomplish. However, Life Reset was so easy to follow and entertaining that I rarely got distracted by the events around me or by my own thoughts and reactions to them. I could tune in to Shemer Kuznits’ world very easily!