The concept was novel in that the main character was so simple. execution was somewhat boring, but not so much that I hit stop and went to look for something else to listen to. If I had stopped at the end of this book I’d be better for it. The next book describes a rape scene and the aftermath with a casual air. and it leaves me wondering why such a horrible act was chosen to be made light of. this is n’t deep reading The only message it gives is that it’s supposed to be funny. I’m not ready to think of rape as funny. Don’t think of myself as a SJW but come on this Will be read by young teenagers as well as adults and a little more effort in avoiding making reading about rape in a humor setting feel comfortable would be what I did expect. I gave up expecting the wrongness of the act to be spelled out after partway into the third book. almost a month later and I’m still bothered by how blase the description was.