I usually enjoy listening to post apocalyptic type stories but unlike some of the other related series like the Mad Mick, this was just whiny bullshit that didn’t make much sense.
The terrorists for example that essentially cripple the nation’s infrastructure in the opening chapter or 2 are something I don’t recall being mentioned at all for the remaining 26 hours despite several of the main characters being doomsday preper types.
Instead it’s just whining about every poor person and or basic criminal must have been born a Charles Manson that caused the country to have a week infrastructure.
So by all means we should ignore the foreign invaders that we’re enthusiastically shooting RPG’S everywhere so we can execute the poor people.

If the people portrayed in this book we’re really worthy of calling themselves patriots they would be calling on congress to fund solutions for these problems and than working the various jobs related to it, and trying to get these poor people into some kind of government program designed to help them live productive lives that also may include working on these infrastructure jobs.