This book is a complete letdown.
1. Copious amounts of non plot driving cringe inducing sex with chases virtual huntress
2. Repetitive and non challenging fights
3. Music talk, not bad in and of itself but just doesn’t really do anything here. Just seems sort of jammed in and forced.
The first MH book was super fun. It was light hearted quirky and seemed like it went somewhere. This book has no point. It seems like it was all fluff leading up to creation of a villain that is super stupid. Ass grabber turned main antagonist. What should have been a one and done conflict has become escalated and completely puffed up. Such a terrible villain.
Then in the final few chapters of the book chase discovers he has a magic bass and can make cool Magicy sound attacks. Seems dropped in for no real reason. I feel like cooper just threw some shit together and hoped that the sound booth people would carry it. To be honest I wouldn’t have made it 5 chapters in without sound booth. So maybe it payed off. Super unhappy with this book. I even think Harmon is a cool dude from his Reddit interactions but even coming into this book expecting to love it, being biased towards the author himself, it just is not it.
Review from Monster Hunt NYC 2 →