After more than a year of psychotherapy I still didn’t know why I felt so insecure with my boyfriend of four years. It seemed like I was sabotaging the relationship, and I couldn’t stop no matter how hard I tried. I was having emotional meltdowns I couldn’t explain and I felt like I couldn’t trust him. My therapist said I had an insecure attachment style but that didn’t feel right because I’d never been that way before. I began searching for an answer that made sense and I stumbled upon this book, thank God, because the truth of the matter was revealed: my boyfriend was using just about every manipulation tactic in this book on me. I felt immediate relief and a sense of peace because I learned I wasn’t crazy—my emotions were being manipulated. Now I’m free, and I can’t thank the author enough! If you’re feeling perplexed by the problems in your relationship, get this book. It can change your life.