I did like this, though, I found it hard to take due to the basic kidnapping part. I’m a writer myself. I just don’t see how you intertwine love with being kidnapped and almost forced into it, even though it ended well with Eve realizing she couldn’t picture life without him. I think it would’ve gone much better if he wooed her on Earth. it was clear early on they were soulmates! That is something that means a lot to me, for it took me from the age of 17 to 47 to find my true soulmate! I spent those 30 years in the Army, Special Forces and truly consider myself a selfless man. I fought off any kind of love because I was a combat operator in a Tier one UNIT, and if I perished in war, my career, I didn’t want my better half to go through the pain of that loss. My true virtue is honor and I know what it’s like to find the other half of your soul. Due to my living situation I despise kidnappings! I’ve been on a lot of SAR’s [Search and Rescue] missions and not all of them ended well. I had to stop and process st different times through the story. It was a good concept but it went awry in the story development. Now, these are all my own opinions and my life story is a bit jaded. It was hilarious with Eve’s Sassy attitude. No offense but I won’t be reading anymore of this series. I always download Dragon Shifter stories. I was a bit offended when he kept saying his honor was intact, which was not so. To honor is to cherish, to love above all else, to put another person first at all costs to yourself, while not looking for any reparations or thank you’s! To honor is to do a deed without even letting the other person do it. I understand this is a FICTION paranormal romance, but I didn’t really see any paranormal to it. Thank you for the opportunity to read the other side of the coin, and teach me that not all writers run with the usual; fight evil, save the girl at cost to you or her, etc.