This book was almost a two star one for me because I saw no real chemistry between the two main characters. This book has a very comical feel to it and I couldn’t decide if it was the actual book or how the narrator interpreted the book. The storyline went off some tangents that were unnecessary.
What saved this book for me was the Native American characters as I don’t see them very often in books. Both Emma and her brother were almost worth a star themselves. And I admit I just loved Tallulah – she is very strong and her dog Frannie is adorable. The ghost Lucius I couldn’t quite decide about.
The last third of the book completely lost me. It was to long and for a ghost story was so unrealistic it started to make the book seem more silly than comical. It was like the author decided it was soon for a happy ending so she just threw a bunch barriers to make the story longer for no reason.
I couldn’t make up my mind about the narrator. He did a good job with the voices but sometime made people sound vey hick and it gave the book a light very comical feel and I can’t decide if that is what the author intended.