Our heroes are back, and plan on taking out the source code bomb, they just seem to go about doing so a bit more liesurely than you’d think. That isn’t to say that the book isn’t full of action, and rat bag sonnof a biz someone does die, and you will feel every stb in the heart that you think you will when they pass on. The book is still humorous, full of jokes about sex, packed full of action, and you will love every minute of it. This book will really make your mouth water for the next one, as there is still a lot of work left for our survivors to do.
Cooper is a really great story teller, and he knows the buttons to push. This is not a by the numbers story by any means, and he keeps the RPG aspects alive to a point hat you would think this genre has been around forever.
Hays nd Ellicott just crush the narration. I have no qualms admitting that Hays is my favorite narrator, and everything he does just slays. He totally kills it here again. Annie, his accompaniest in this duet proves she can stand side by side with a master like Hays, and not only hold her own, but push him to do better. They really work well together.
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