After the Butchers Masquerade I thought Matt and Jeff couldn’t top that story, But they did. Matt, you’re amazing. thank you for these books. Jeff, your voice makes it all come alive, thank you as well.

I liked the balance between the Donut/Carl time and the time with the rest of the team. I do think Katia should rejoin the team. She is a great sleeper agent that should be reactivated. I look forward to the faction wars where they can all be together.

i also liked the inside vs outside of the dungeon storyline. it is good that the reader gets glimpses of the macro issues surrounding the crawl, yet it doesn’t take it over. Matt, good job threading that needle.

The thing I didn’t like is that towards the end there is so much going on I had to reread (listen) several times to get it all. Who is doing what, when, and why. maybe it is just me, but I know if I had a difficult time keeping up I am sure others did too. Nevertheless, I feel like it all had to be in there, and I don’t want any of it removed, but maybe there is a better way to present it all so the rest can follow it more easily. small criticism, but something for Matt to think about. I love it all regardless and I don’t have any constructive advice on how to improve it. sorry.

Keep up the good work and please do not skip anymore floors of the dungeon. I want a massive story for each level so this can last as long as possible.

thank you for the immoral words, “You will not break me. I will break you.”