I’m at a loss. There was potential for this story to be good. But no.
Elliot is obsessed with this serial killer. He says that he’s all about history and facts, yet he is enthralled by a serial killer, saying that he was “misunderstood” and the world should know. Excuse me? Even with facts, he has these romanticized ideas about this guy. Even if the serial killer was “misunderstood” and all the people he killed had broken his heart, that does NOT make it okay for him to kill people! Even a few hours in, Elliot is still going on and on about this.I know that he had abusive relationships and that his dad was abusive, but he knows killing is wrong. Soooo???
I couldn’t get past that. And Elliot’s personality and character conflict with each other more than once, which didn’t help with, well, anything.
There was more that bothered me, but this was the thing that really bothered me, so I DNF it.