So, I did really enjoy this and book 3. Travis Baldree was amazing as always. I like the universe and the magic systems. But, books 2 and 3 did not live up to the first. Because they did not have their own identity. Infact they tried really hard to be clones of book 1.

Let’s call the MC’s goal in book one, Purpose-A. Book one had a very natural progression. MC is weak, Purpose-A is created, MC trains with strangers, MC confronts Purpose-A. Alright, so, that looks pretty natural right? Well it is, and it made for an enjoyable book. So, in books 2 and 3 are exactly the same, except the first step becomes, MC becomes weak.

You are probably saying “come on, the pattern and purpose can’t be the same, there is no way the author could reset and rearrange everything so that you end where you start each time”… but that is exactly what happens. But wait there is more! It is clear that the author wanted to add some strong characters. However, these characters could have easily resolved Purpose-A, they even had motivation to do so. But, they are either ignored or bound in contrivances… sometimes multiple times to preserve Purpose-A.

I just kept thinking, “Just because you can do anything, doesn’t mean you should do anything”. The unnatural bending of the story into the pattern, the continues resetting of the MC, mixed with the binding of characters to prevent help, absolutely destroyed the internal consistency of the story.

But hey, I really did enjoy these books, I’ll be looking for book 4.