An amazingly unique, entertaining, gripping, heartfelt, fast paced, one of a kind story that has you on pins and needles the entire time. I have been a huge fan of this series for a while now and decided to wait for the audio of this book to see what would happen after the last book. It was so well worth the wait and then some. The writing is as you come to expect from J.J. McAvoy… Apologetically in your face, smart, witty and sexy! This woman can do absolutely no wrong with this world that she has built. These characters and all their intricate relationships are like crack to a junkie, so good that one can’t just wait for the next fix. You want to keep on going even if you know that around the corner something is going to happen to rip your heart out. Now, the narration just took this story to another stratosphere!! Joel Froomkin completely SLAYS this narration. It felt like a radio opera with all of the different characters being voiced with so much clarity and uniqueness that you would think it was a full cast of narrators instead of one man going all in for his performance. The last hour of this audio is something fierce and the emotions just overtake you. I was a goner, and like a true masochist, I wanted more. I can’t wait for more!!!